Why No Race?

While testing the Tuscany Trail 2025, the founder sit back and reflects of over a decade of no-race bikepacking events looking back at a time where the mere idea seemed impossibile

What is a no race bikepacking event and why you should definitely attend one

We asked Andrea Borchi founder of Tuscany Trail: When I was talking to people in 2013 about the “no race” concept related to the Tuscany Trail, I could distinctly see astonishment in their eyes. We should not forget that until very recently cycling was strongly associated with an idea of competitive performance.

“But if there is no final ranking, then why should I participate?” was the most common question from those used to racing Gran Fondo or XC races.

Now, fortunately, things have changed and the concept of cycling as a means of exploration and discovery is now accepted and shared by an increasing number of people. As evidence of this, there is not only the birth of the Bike Adventure Series, but also the dozens of events inspired by the gravel and bikepacking movement around the world, which do not have a final ranking.

cyclist celebreting

Why participate in a no-race event?

Let’s get right to the heart of the matter: what does a no-race event offer that is different from a race?

The difference lies in the participants. Those who participate have the knowledge that they are attending an event where the main goal is to have an impactful and positive experience, where the only challenge, if anything, is against one’s own limits, and this is a complete game changer. Let’s look at the main benefits below.

Relief from performance anxiety

One of the most liberating aspects of “no race ” events is the absence of performance anxiety, an invisible but constant burden that accompanies those who participate in competitive races. Whether you want to or not, when you find yourself on a starting line, the thought of having to achieve a certain result, of outperforming your opponents or even just improving a personal time, begins to creep into your mind. This state of mind, while stimulating for some, can turn into a real strain for others, taking away some of the pleasure that cycling should offer.

In the Bike Adventure Series events, this kind of pressure is completely lifted.

This point is perhaps one of the aspects that has contributed most to the success of the Tuscany Trail over the years. There is no finish line to cross first, no time to beat. The only goal is to enjoy the journey, explore new landscapes and live the experience intensely without the nagging of competition. Cycling then becomes a means to reconnect with oneself, nature and other participants in a context of sharing and discovery.

In a “no race” event, the focus shifts completely from the outcome to the experience itself. It is an adventure that engages all the senses and allows one to experience the course with a deeper and more fulfilling awareness.Without the tension of performance, space opens up for the unexpected, for surprise, forfor taking a break to observe a breathtaking view or to chat with another participant along the way.

The Focus on Experience

Focusing on experience also means fully experiencing the relationship with nature. Hearing the sound of the wind in the trees, smelling the earth after it rains, and observing the changes in the landscape as the daylight changes. These moments of connection are often overlooked in competitions, where the main goal is to cross the finish line as fast as possible.

In the end, what remains is not just the memory of a journey, but a collection of experiences that enrich the lives of those who participate. These experiences shape a mosaic of emotions, reflections and encounters that continue to positively influence those who lived them, long after the event is over.

Traveling Buddies, Not Rivals

One of the most rewarding aspects is the way participants see each other. In a competition-free setting, there are no rivals to beat, only fellow travelers to share an extraordinary adventure. This approach completely transforms the group dynamic, creating an environment of mutual support that enriches everyone’s experience.

When there is no final ranking, the pressure to outdo others dissolves, leaving room for cooperation and sharing. Participants are not rivals, but people who share the same passion for cycling, exploring and discovering new places. This common passion becomes the glue that unites, creating a sense of community and belonging that is rarely found in competitive races.

During these events, moments of exchange and mutual help are spontaneously created. It may happen to help another cyclist or decide to tackle a challenging section of the route together, supporting each other. These interactions, often fleeting but intense, help create memories that go far beyond the simple experience of the route.


It is not our intention to put those who participate in competitions in a bad light. The world of cycling is vast and offers different opportunities for everyone, and we are aware that for many, competitions are a source of great personal satisfaction. However, we are also proud to have contributed to the growth of the “no race” movement, which has been able to attract more and more cyclists to a way of experiencing cycling based on discovery, sharing and respecting one’s own pace.

Thanks to all those who have chosen to explore this path with us, creating a community based on a passion for adventure and pure experience, away from the pressures of competition. We will continue to support and grow this movement, because we firmly believe in the power of cycling to bring people together and turn every journey into an unforgettable discovery.

Where do you want to ride next?

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